Marsha Schechtman, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
For over 35 years Ms. Schechtman had a private psychotherapy and counseling practice providing individual, family, and group psychotherapy. Ms. Schechtman provides mental health psychotherapy and divorce related services such as divorce coaching, collaborative divorce coaching, child custody evaluations, parent coordination, co-parenting counseling, reunification therapy, mediation, high asset divorce coaching, and arbitration.
Ms. Schechtman has a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from the University of South Florida. She received her Master’s Degree in Social Work from Florida State University. Ms. Schechtman is licensed in the State of Georgia as Clinical Social Worker and is a Registered Mediator in the areas of civil and domestic law.
When Ms. Schechtman is not seeing clients she is often engaged in providing continuing education training to other mental health professionals as well as attorneys in the area of collaborative divorce. She has taught seminars in collaborative divorce to various professional associations and universities throughout the country.
Her professional affiliations include membership in the National Association of Social Workers, Georgia Association of Social Workers, Association of Clinical Social Workers, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Collaborative Law Institute of Georgia (Past President), and Association of Conflict Resolution. She is a founding member of the Atlanta Collaborative Divorce Alliance, and is a Registered Mediator and arbitrator